Why I support Crosscut

Crosscut archive image.

Crosscut contributor and new board member, Jordan Royer

For years, we’ve watched the changing landscape of journalism transform the way we get and understand information. There are so many ways to get information and so much of it that it’s hard to know how it all fits together and why it is relevant to us. And much of that information is in the form of opinion or driven by ideology. We seek out those we agree with and don’t engage with those who think differently.

That’s where Crosscut comes in. The Crosscut Idea is to provide analysis and integration of information and hopefully, if we’re all doing our jobs, provide a space for solutions and unique ideas, both through the expertise of our writers and editors, and the daily interchange with our readers. The Puget Sound Region is experiencing rapid change. Development patterns and demographics are challenging our basic infrastructure as well as our cultural and government institutions.

Political discourse has become coarser and disagreements over policy often turn personal. Anybody watching a Seattle City Council, King County Council or Port Commission meeting will confirm this unfortunate fact.

Information overload, rapid change, and a lot of yelling and stomping. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place to discuss these issues in a more sober, civil, thoughtful way? A place where disagreement led to greater understanding? Well, there is.

By supporting Crosscut you are taking a stand for good government, respectful and productive dialogue and a search for solutions. It’s why I joined Crosscut in the very beginning.

Are we there yet? No. We have a lot of work to do. But we can’t do it without you.

As a writer and now a Crosscut board member, I am urging you to help us continue this effort. There will be many opportunities ahead for your involvement in helping us find solutions to some of our most pressing problems.

So become a member today. We need you — in more ways than you may think.


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We rely on donations from readers like you to sustain Crosscut's in-depth reporting on issues critical to the PNW.


About the Authors & Contributors

Jordan Royer

Jordan Royer

Jordan Royer is the vice president for external affairs in the Seattle office of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association.